San Telmo

San Telmo, one of the oldest and porteño neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, is home to the historic center with a very bohemian air, it is full of antique dealers, rustic meat restaurants, many street murals; on Sundays it is flooded with tourists and opens its famous flea market, a place that you definitely cannot miss.

Interest Places

  • Paseo de la Historieta

  • Facultad de ingeniería, sede Paseo Colón.

  • El viejo almacén.

  • Casa mínima

  • Pasaje San Lorenzo

  • Zanjón de Granado.

  • Museo moderno.

  • Bar Sur.

  • Galeria del viejo hotel.

  • Mercado de San Telmo.

  • Galeria Solar de French.

  • Plaza Dorrego

  • Parroquia San Pedro González Telmo

  • Pasaje Defensa

  • Parque Lezama

  • La Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa de la Santísima Trinidad.

  • Museo Histórico Nacional.

  • Palacio Lezama